Conceptual Photography-The Story

Photo-journalism generally uses photographs to support a written story.  In this project, the photograph should actually tell the story.  Look at the image above and imagine what the circumstances were that resulted in the photograph.  You can imagine what transpired immediately before the photo was taken and you can probably imagine what will happen in the moments that follow.  That is photographic story-telling.

Here is another example:

Once again, it is not too difficult to surmise what happened in the moments before the photo was taken. It is notable, that not only does the photo tell a story, but also that it is a strong, compelling image.

The goal is to create an interesting image that depicts an idea.

The "idea" in this case is a story that projects both into the past and into the future from the instant that is captured in the image. That sequence of logic or chain of events results in a narrative that extends beyond the static image.

Story-telling through photography has a long and auspicious lineage. The following links examine photography as an instrument of story-telling. Take advantage of the time in class to read and explore what professionals in the field have to say about story-telling through photography.

For a different perspective--one that does not embrace story-telling as a desirable aspect of photography--check out the link below:


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