Letter to the Past

Through the discovery of an inter-dimensional wormhole located in a small chicken coop on the outskirts of Wichita, mankind has learned that it is possible to move solid objects between dimensions—either into the future or into the past.

(The experiments on living creatures did not fare as well #insideoutpig, #wearyourheartonyoursleeve)

This amazing discovery has opened up abundant opportunities—particularly in education—not the least of which is that you can now communicate with your past or future self (!)

In order to leverage this capacity, all students are being asked to write a letter to their former selves, providing instructive ideas about how to succeed in their future classes.  (The future is now)

Please take a few minutes and write a letter to your past self about what it takes to be successful in the Creative Photography class.

This may include tips on taking photos, use of class time & coming up with ideas for your projects.

Include 1 sample of your best photography work as an example of a competently produced image. Describe why it is a successful image, how it fulfilled the requirements of the assignment, what it took to create the image and what (if anything) you would have done differently.


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