Pixlr Tutorial for Filling Shapes (Ovoid & Otherwise)

Images Used

Click the Open Image button in Pixlr.

Browse to your eggs image (previously downloaded and on your device) and open it in Pixlr.

Click the + symbol in the Layers Panel located just below your Background Layer to add a Layer.

Select "Image" and browse to the pattern/design/photograph/etc. that you will be filling the ovoid shapes with (also previously downloaded to your computer).

If you have more than one image for your fill layers, repeat.

Open the image, noting that you now have 2 (possibly more, if you have more than 1 fill image) Layers in the Layers Panel.

Click the 3 vertical dots to the left of your 2nd Layer to bring up the Layer Settings window.

Using the Transparency slider, adjust the transparency allowing you to clearly see the eggs image in the Background Layer. A transparency level of 30 was used here.

Using the Arrange Tool (the Move Tool in PS), drag the fill Layer to position it over the front egg in the Background Layer.

Hover over the Edit menu and select Free Transform from the drop-down menu.

Make sure that Fixed is selected for the Aspect.

Drag the Transform handle (blue box, in this image) to increase/decrease your first fill Layer to completely fill the egg.  You may have to Zoom out (ala' Photoshop) to grab the Transform handle(s)

*NOTE: You may have more than 1 fill image to fill your eggs...this particular one has all 3 in a single image.

Select the Lasso Select tool in the Toolbar.

For Type, choose the Polygon Lasso. 

For Mode choose New Selection.  For Feather select a value of your choice.  Here, 2 was used as the feathering value.

Using the Polygon Tool, carefully select the egg shape by clicking around the perimeter of the front egg, zooming in as necessary for accuracy. 

Since you are using straight lines to create a curve, make sure you place your points close enough together to preserve the illusion--it takes patience and a steady hand ('Not as forgiving as PS and no ability to correct your selection ala' the Direct Selection tool with a path)

Click the Select Menu and choose Invert Section.

(This is a good time to point out your History Panel, right below your Layers Panel...like PS, you can go back to various steps in your process through the History Panel.)

With the selection inverted, click Cut under the Edit Menu to cut away everything but the part of the image you selected.

Going back to the Layer Settings (3 vertical dots) increase the Transparency back to normal.

And VOILA! You have completed the first egg!

To fill the rest of your ovoids, rinse, lather & repeat.


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