Concept Shooting
True Love or Broken Hearts?

Concept Photography shares a variety of qualities with advertising photography, stock photography, and photojournalism:

1) It involves intensely analyzing a “message” that you want to unmistakably convey. 

2) It involves careful consideration of your audience and how the message will touch them most powerfully. 

3) It is centered on emotions, and the telling of a story in its message.

Concept shooting involves a great deal of “mental” preparation, in addition to the usual scene analysis (composition, lighting, etc.): 

Message: Message is the core of concept photography. Imagine an overriding concept like "Love". Within that broad concept, there are many messages. One message could be "true love". Another message could be "unrequited love" (unfulfilled) or "lost love".

Emotional connectors: In what ways can you cause your story to resonate best with your audience? The love that brings a sense of belonging? The love that will last forever? The pain of betrayal? The despair of lost love?

Dynamic artistry: Camera angle, type of lighting, color, venue, depth, and motion…all such factors will influence the overall outcome of your concept shot.

Some of these enhancements can be done in post-processing (Photoshop manipulations).

Story telling quality: In one image, does your concept tell the complete story? 

Below is an image that reflects the over-arching concept of "Love", but under that, one very specific aspect of love (the message).

Concept: Love
Message: Broken Heart
Emotional Connector: Feeling of aloneness and walking away from what once was.
Dynamic Artistry: The broken heart is in foreground dominating the image, but attention is given equally to the girl due to the fact that she is walking toward the vibrant blue ocean.
Story telling qualityDoes this single image describe the feelings, the experience, and the hurt of a broken heart?

 Assignment: You will take a photograph that conveys the concept of "Love". You may select any message within that broad concept. It could be "true love", "undying love", "unrequited love", "lost love", etc. You should come up with your own unique angle on the message. You will also consider the audience, the emotional connectorcreative composition,dynamic artistry & story telling quality.

This is a shooting assignment, so an index print is required.

Below are a few links that should get your imagination piqued--within these links you will find more links:

Adapted from:


  1. Beautiful photos! Do you have an Instagram account? I started using one month ago. And i absolutely love it! I finally have a chance to use this social network without contacting bots and fake accounts.


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