Please answer the following questions about the video "Lost In The World Like Me"

What is the general premise of the video?

Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?

Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?


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  3. the general premise of this video is that this society is glued to technology, whenever something major happens it has to be recorded and ignored. yes its effective in conveying its message, its pretty much showing that if someone was out there to help the girl or be her friend it wouldve helped her not commit suicide, which is extremely upsetting that in todays world, it has to come to that. Its kind of both, a warning and a main theme in our social situation, technology rules the world theres no doubt.

  4. The general premise of the video is just showing how everyone is so attached to their phones and the internet.
    This video was very effective to me in conveying it's intended message.
    I feel like this is more of a current social situation because everyone is so attached to their phones and you do mostly everything on your phone, well at least you can, or on the computer. So many people are so addicted that they don't know whats going on around them in the world.

  5. The general premise of the video is someone who is lost in a world with people that cant stay off their phone or off screens.
    Yes, the video is effective in showing someone who is basically alone because no one else is paying attention to the real world.
    I think this is more of a warning and not a view of what is really happening in the real world. People are distracted but not to the extent of what the video shows


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