Photograph YOUR Fears

Your assignment is to capture in a photograph one of your darkest fears. The fear must be an actual psychological fear you possess. 

It cannot be something like "I'm afraid of spiders, so here's a picture of a spider."  

It must be the fear of something psychological, a circumstance or a situation, not just a thing...

"I'm afraid that if I don't get good grades, I'll disappoint my parents."  

"I don't like what they're doing but I'm afraid that if I don't go along with my friends they won't like me."  

"I'm afraid that I won't be remembered after I'm gone."

Your challenge is conveying your fear in a single photographic image. The image can be manipulated in Photoshop (colorized, composited, etc.)

You must include the name of your fear in your image. A good place to start is here:

Size 8" x 10"
Resolution: 300ppi

Pay no attention to the bunnies!


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