Perfectly Symmetrical

To begin your next exercise, please read the article linked to here:

Having read the article, you will now replicate the process they used to create a completely symmetrical portrait. 

With your own face. 


It is a simple process and only requires a straight- forward head/shoulders photograph.  

Please use Photobooth on the computer, your phones (if you can retrieve the images off your phone), or borrow a camera to take the head shot. 

1) Take a frontal photo of your face.

2) Using the rectangular marquee tool, drag a box around 1/2 your face to select it. (You want to split the face directly down the middle of your nose) Copy the selection and paste it back into the same file. 

3) Go to Edit--->Transform--->Flip Horizontal and flip the 1/2 face, then move it into position to create a perfectly symmetrical portrait. 

4) Repeat with the other side of your face. Post both images along with the original on your Blog.

To see more examples, Google the following phrases:

1) "perfectly symmetrical face"

2) "perfectly symmetrical portrait"


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