
Showing posts from February, 2020
Concept Shooting True Love or Broken Hearts? Concept Photography  shares a variety of qualities with advertising photography, stock photography, and photojournalism: 1) It involves intensely analyzing a “message” that you want to unmistakably convey.  2) It involves careful consideration of your audience and how the message will touch them most powerfully.  3) It is centered on emotions, and the telling of a story in its message. Concept shooting  involves a great deal of “mental” preparation, in addition to the usual scene analysis (composition, lighting, etc.):  Message:   Message  is the core of concept photography. Imagine an overriding concept like "Love". Within that broad concept, there are many messages. One message could be "true love". Another message could be "unrequited love" (unfulfilled) or "lost love". Emotional connectors:  In what ways can you
Reflection/Reflection Earlier this year, you wrote a reflection on your performance during the 1st Semester.  Part of your reflection was to address any adjustments you would make in the 2nd Semester. Please go back and reread your initial reflection and then on your Blog, assign yourself a grade for how successful those adjustments have been. On the same post, copy and paste the section of the original reflection that discusses the adjustments you planned to make.
Letter to the Past Through the discovery of an inter-dimensional wormhole located in a small chicken coop on the outskirts of Wichita, mankind has learned that it is possible to move solid objects between dimensions—either into the future or into the past. (The experiments on living creatures did not fare as well #insideoutpig, #wearyourheartonyoursleeve) This amazing discovery has opened up abundant opportunities—particularly in education—not the least of which is that you can now communicate with your past or future self (!) In order to leverage this capacity, all students are being asked to write a letter to their former selves, providing instructive ideas about how to succeed in their future classes.   (The future is now) Please take a few minutes and write a letter to your past self about what it takes to be successful in the Creative Photography class. This may include tips on taking photos, use of class time & coming up with ideas for your pr
The Importance of Art In a few paragraphs, please respond to the following on your Blog: "Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."
A Little Fable To brighten your day And so, the Rainbow Fish gave one shimmering scale  to each of his friends. Now all of the fish were shiny and bright and beautiful. Unfortunately, this meant they were easily visible to predators. The Rainbow Fish had doomed them all. Natural selection is a cruel mistress.
Conceptual Photography-The Story Photo-journalism generally uses photographs to support a written story.  In this project, the photograph should actually tell the story.  Look at the image above and imagine what the circumstances were that resulted in the photograph.  You can imagine what transpired immediately before the photo was taken and you can probably imagine what will happen in the moments that follow.  That is photographic story-telling. Here is another example: Once again, it is not too difficult to surmise what happened in the moments before the photo was taken. It is notable, that not only does the photo tell a story, but also that it is a strong, compelling image. The goal is to create an interesting image that depicts an idea. The "idea" in this case is a story that p
What Art? 1 Please view the following 2 images and respond to the questions below by posting to your Blog: As accurately as possible, describe what you see.   Look closely  and record every visible detail.  Everything from composition to background to facial expressions is open for description.  Part I 1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture? 2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop? 3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood? 4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful?