
Showing posts from September, 2019
Reflections of a Future Self For this project you will use a minimum of 3 *  photographs to present a  reflection of your future self .  This future self could be 5 days in the future, or 50 years in the future, but there must be a distinct difference between the "now" you and the "future" you.   The images below are examples of past student projects. * 1) Photo of you (current) looking at your reflection in the mirror.  2) Photo of you (future)  looking at your reflection in the mirror.  3) Photo of just the mirror and the space you were in. Tips:   A) Make sure the camera stays in the  exact same position  for all 3 photos. B) Clean the mirror. C) Pick up the bathroom.
Fears Project Feedback In order for everyone to receive some feedback on their Fears Project, you will each write a few comments on your classmate's Blogs. Go to the class Blog, click on the Link to Student Blogs link and choose 3 classmate's Blogs to look at and comment on.  Open the Fears project on their Blogs and make your comments in the comments window below the image. You are to address  at least  the following: 1) State what fear you think that the photo is conveying. 2) Assess whether you feel the photo is successful in conveying the fear (and specific.) 3) Make 1 positive comment. 4) Make 1 constructive comment about the photo (one suggestion for a change or improvement)
Perfectly Symmetrical To begin your next exercise, please read the article linked to here: Having read the article, you will now replicate the process they used to create a completely symmetrical portrait.  With your own face.  Today . It is a simple process and only requires a straight- forward head/shoulders photograph.   Please use Photobooth on the computer, your phones (if you can retrieve the images off your phone), or borrow a camera to take the head shot.  1) Take a frontal photo of your face. 2) Using the rectangular marquee tool, drag a box around 1/2 your face to select it. (You want to split the face directly down the middle of your nose) Copy the selection and paste it back into the same file.  3) Go to Edit--->Transform--->Flip Horizontal and flip the 1/2 face, then move it into position to create a perfectly symmetrical portrait.  4) Repeat with the oth
Photograph YOUR Fears Your assignment is to capture in a photograph one of your darkest fears.  The fear must be an actual psychological fear you possess.  It cannot be something like "I'm afraid of spiders, so here's a picture of a spider."   It must be the fear of something psychological, a circumstance or a situation, not just a  thing... "I'm afraid that if I don't get good grades, I'll disappoint my parents."   "I don't like what they're doing but I'm afraid that if I don't go along with my friends they won't like me."   "I'm afraid that I won't be remembered after I'm gone." Your challenge is conveying your fear in a single photographic image. The image can be manipulated in Photoshop (colorized, composited, etc.) You must include the name of your fear in your image.  A good place to start is here: S
Please answer the following questions about the video " Lost In The World Like Me " What is the general premise of the video? Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message? Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?