Inside Me

Inside Me 

Your challenge is to create a silhouette of yourself and fill it with images that relate to things of personal interest.

In addition to creating the filled-image, you must locate the image in a specific place--it can be a fantasy place or a real space, but it should relate to the over-all tone of the items you filled your silhouette with.

To begin, pair up with a classmate and have them take a photograph of you against a solid-colored background.   You can use the hallway (don't disrupt the other classes), the green screen, the black backdrop in the YB room, etc.

Try to pose in such a way as your limbs extend from your body--remember, this is essentially a silhouette --if your limbs are pulled into your torso, you will look more like a potato.

Below are some examples from prior classes (sans locations):

Size: 8 x 10
Resolution: 300 ppi


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