Back To School


Your 1st assignment will involve working with selection tools and compositing. Your assignment is to find 3-4 interesting (Labeled for reuse) images on Google that you can combine to create a single image--one that tells a story. (Make sure you select images that are sufficiently large.)

Find one image to use as your "base" layer (as in the farmhouse picture below). Find other images to combine with the base image and use the pen tool to select, feather and copy/paste those elements over the base layer

The theme of your composition will be "Back to School"and the theme can be interpreted any way that you choose. If you are excited to be back with your friends, coaches and teachers, reflect that in your composition. If your feelings are more, let's say, ambiguous, reflect that.

Each of the images you select should reinforce the perspective you are trying to communicate.

Size: 8"x10"

Resolution: 300ppi

This is a link to a site that discusses the selection tool options in Photoshop--this is a "must read".

This is a link to a site that focuses specifically on using the Pen Tool--one of the most powerful selection tools on the PS tool bar.

For more advanced users, below you will find some other interesting and potentially useful Photoshop tutorials. You may want to employ some of these effects in your finished composition.


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