Creepy Clown

Creepy Clown Yourself

The above photo, taken in Green Bay WI, August 2016, as part of a horror movie promotion launched the current "Creepy Clown" phenomena.  The film company hired an actor to dress like a creepy clown and carry black balloons around the fringes of the downtown area late at night, counting on the fact that in today's era of ubiquitous surveillance, someone would capture the image and post it online. They were right.

Your challenge is to present yourself as a creepily as possible by taking a photo of yourself (using the Photobooth application on your computer, your phone or your camera) and turning yourself into a creepy clown. (Or even just a regular clown, because let's face it, even regular clowns are pretty creepy.)

Below are a few links to get you started, but there are lots of others available on the web.


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