6 Word Stories

Sorry soldier, shoes only in pairs.

Gripping tighter, slowly lost it all.

Mittens should have died that day.

The plague starts with a hug.

Dinner for two; widower and memories.

They lived happily ever after.  Separately.

Your challenge will be to write a 6-word story about what it is like being a teenager in the Spring of 2021.

Here are a few examples:

Stuck between reality and social media.

Some pretty birds don’t sing well.

Teens live life to please others.

Only child, but never the favorite.

Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious.

Dads are like boomerangs…I hope.

Phase 1: Write a six-word story about the experience of being a teenager in the Spring of 2021.
It can be a general statement/observation: "Teens live life to please others" or more specific and personal: "Only child, but never the favorite."


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