Elfing Myself

After taking a picture of myself with the PhotoBooth App, I opened the image in Photoshop, cut myself out with the Pen Tool, Copied & Pasted my face into a new layer and then and filled the background layer with white.  That way I could scale and move my face around independently of the background layer.

To give myself some space for an elf hat and a fanciful background, I enlarged my canvas--expanding it upward. (Image-->Canvas Size). In this case I went from 10" to 20" in height.

I found  photo of an elf hat and one of an elf ear and composited them onto my head.  (To make 2 ears, I duplicated the ear layer and flipped it (Edit-->Transform-->Flip Horizontal)

I selected my shirt and jacket with the Pen Tool and altered the color of each, added a few bells and slid myself to the left.

I also made a few Levels adjustments (Image-->Adjust-->Levels).

I located a suitable background image, and copied/pasted it into my composition. I scaled it up to cover the page (Edit-->Transform-->Scale) and then in the Layers Palette, I dragged the new background beneath the image of my face.

And VOILA!  


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