Photograph YOUR Fears

Your assignment is to capture in an image, one of your darkest fears. 
The fear must be an actual psychological fear you possess.

It cannot be something like "I'm afraid of spiders, so here's a picture of a spider."  

It must be the fear of something psychological, a circumstance or a situation, not just a thing...
"I'm afraid that if I don't get good grades, I won't get into the college I want to."  
"I don't like what they're doing but I'm afraid that if I don't go along with my friends they won't like me."  
"I'm afraid that I won't be remembered after I'm gone."
Your challenge is conveying your fear in a single photographic image. The image can be manipulated in Photoshop (colorized, composited, etc.) or not.  
You must include the name of your fear in your image. A good place to start is here:
Size 8" x 10"
Resolution: 300ppi
(Pay no attention to the bunnies!)


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