Project 3, 4th Quarter "Time"


Time. Time is a funny thing--it is measured by scientific instruments and there are universal units and standards--including insanely accurate Atomic Clocks--that keep the whole world running on time.

Despite this, we all experience Time in different ways, at different times. You've all heard the expression "Time flies when you're having fun" and I'm sure you've all experienced (not in my class, heaven forbid) boring lectures that seemed to go on for hours. Our perception of Time is colored, among other things, by our moods, our health, our activities and the schedules that we keep.

So during this disruption in our regularly routines, Time has changed for all of us. For some, the days may be flying by, for others, dragging on slowly. But regardless of our perceptions, the passage of Time creeps uniformly forward, second by second, hour by hour, day by day.

That passage of Time leaves a trail. But with Time being the funny thing that it is, the trail may lead into the past or into the future.  The passage of Time leaves a visual record that we can perceive--of either a past that was or even a future that will be.

Your challenge will be to create an image that reflects Time--events that have happened or will happen. An example of something that will happen might be something like a *flower bud that we know will bloom in a day or two and be physically altered as time goes by.

An example of something that has happened is below. We know from the piles of ash that something occurred to create the ash--you may even recognize what that something **was, or have seen something like this at your own house.

Since this is a shooting assignment, an Index Print will be required (Hopefully, with the various instructions and perhaps consulting friends, you have all figured out a way to present an Index Print)  and remember to post your work to Schoology to receive credit.

*Sorry! (Now you can't do a flower bud)

** Ash catcher of a Weber charcoal grill after several grilling sessions.

***Pixlr has all kinds of image processing filters and effects that you can incorporate if you need them. In addition, there are a lot of tutorials on YouTube, but make sure you are looking for "Pixlr E" information as the different (paid) versions have different effects available.

**** The link under the top photo takes you to a fascinating article about how time seems to pass more quickly, the older you get.


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