
Showing posts from August, 2019

Inside Me

Inside Me  Your challenge is to create a silhouette of yourself and fill it with images that relate to things of personal interest. In addition to creating the filled-image, you must locate the image in a specific place --it can be a fantasy place or a real space, but it should relate to the over-all tone of the items you filled your silhouette with. To begin, pair up with a classmate and have them take a photograph of you against a solid-colored background.   You can use the hallway (don't disrupt the other classes), the green screen, the black backdrop in the YB room, etc. Try to pose in such a way as your limbs extend from your body--remember, this is essentially a silhouette --if your limbs are pulled into your torso, you will look more like a potato. Below are some examples from prior classes (sans locations): Size: 8 x 10 Resolution: 300 ppi


COMPOSITION "Composition is to photography what rhythm is to music" Rodney Smith For your first shooting assignment you will be exploring the rules of composition as they relate to photography.  Prior to embarking on your in-class shoot, you will familiarize yourself with some basic principles of photographic composition. You will be responsible for understanding each of these 6 following compositional structures: Balance Pattern Symmetry Focal Point Rule of 1/3's Texture Contrast Depth The following links discuss photographic composition in a fairly traditional way. Good for the nuts & bolts of composition:

Back To School

BACK TO SCHOOL Your 1st assignment will involve working with selection tools and compositing. Your assignment is to find 3-4 interesting (Labeled for reuse) images on Google that you can combine to create a single image--one that tells a story. (Make sure you select images that are sufficiently large.) Find one image to use as your "base" layer (as in the farmhouse picture below). Find other images to combine with the base image and use the pen tool to select, feather and copy/paste those elements over the base layer The theme of your composition will be "Back to School"and the theme can be interpreted any way that you choose. If you are excited to be back with your friends, coaches and teachers, reflect that in your composition. If your feelings are more, let's say, ambiguous, reflect that. Each of the images you select should reinforce the perspective you are trying to communicate. Size:  8"x10" Resolution: 300ppi This is a link
Welcome 2019-2020 Creative Photo I class Welcome to the Digital Media Lab. You are about to embark on a program that stresses creativity, individual effort, independence and engagement.   This class will be more like a college class in that you will be responsible for managing your own time, your own resources and for challenging yourself with your own ideas and solutions to visual problems. Not every high school student thrives in an environment like this, but eventually, you are all going to have to learn how to, so consider this your introduction to the next phase in your educational life. When I talk about independence--I don't mean that you are on your own.  I mean that it is up to you to ask the questions you need answered to produce the best work that you can.  It is up to you to fulfill the requirements of any given assignment and not to overlook important details such as the size and resolution of a proje