
One the most difficult aspects of movie-making is editing down the vast amount of footage that you are required to shoot. 

The hardest part of designing can be paring down your concepts to their most vital elements.  

The following web sites contain examples of familiar themes simplified to their basic forms.

Please explore these and any others that you find doing your own research:

Assignment:  Your challenge will be to create a series of 3 minimalist movie posters that are tied together by subject, actor, director, or movies that are serialized (i.e. Star Trek 1-164). Each poster must stand on its own as a complete design solution, yet relate to the others through layout, color, typography, etc.

Your biggest challenge will be to be original.  I would avoid searching for minimalist movie posters for inspiration--it is too easy to be derivative (copy someone else's idea) and I have seen much of what's out there.

Size: 11x17
Resolution: 300 ppi

For more information on Minimalism in a variety of forms, please explore these additional links:

The expectation is that you will spend your class time for the duration of the project researching minimalism (in all of it's varied forms) or working on minimalist designs on your computer. Don't let the completion of the assignment impede your learning. If you finish the assignment and there is class time left, you should continue your explorations of minimalism.  

The images below as well as the others in this post were created by students for a previous iteration of this assignment.


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