
Showing posts from December, 2020
E l f i n g M y s e l f After taking a picture of myself with the PhotoBooth App, I opened the image in Photoshop, cut myself out with the Pen Tool, Copied & Pasted my face into a new layer and then and filled the background layer with white.  That way I could scale and move my face around independently of the background layer. To give myself some space for an elf hat and a fanciful background, I enlarged my canvas--expanding it upward. (Image-->Canvas Size). In this case I went from 10" to 20" in height. I found  photo of an elf hat and one of an elf ear and composited them onto my head.  (To make 2 ears, I duplicated the ear layer and flipped it (Edit-->Transform-->Flip Horizontal) I selected my shirt and jacket with the Pen Tool and altered the color of each, added a few bells and slid myself to the left. I also made a few Levels adjustments (Image-->Adjust-->Levels). I located a suitable background image, and copied/pasted it into my composition. I sca

Color of the Year

2021 Pantone C.O.Y. The day has finally arrived!  The kids have been on pins and needles for weeks and the time is finally here!   The  Pantone Color Institute has announced its highly anticipated choice for the Color of The Year 2021!!   As if that weren't exciting enough (!), for only the 3rd time in the history of Pantone color forecasting, the color choice is, color choices.  Not 1, but 2 colors have won the coveted selection and the world of color is enthralled. I'm sure you will be too.  Read about it at the link below and then write a short paragraph explaining what you would choose for the  Color of the Year 2021.