
Showing posts from October, 2020
  Photograph YOUR Fears   Your assignment is to capture in an image, one of your darkest fears.  The fear must be an actual psychological fear you possess.  It cannot be something like "I'm afraid of spiders, so here's a picture of a spider."     It must be the fear of something psychological, a circumstance or a situation, not just a  thing...   "I'm afraid that if I don't get good grades, I won't get into the college I want to."     "I don't like what they're doing but I'm afraid that if I don't go along with my friends they won't like me."     "I'm afraid that I won't be remembered after I'm gone."       Your challenge is conveying your fear in a single photographic image. The image can be manipulated in Photoshop (colorized, composited, etc.) or not.         You must include the name of your fear in your image.   A good place to start is here:   http://www.phobiali

Impossible Photos

 Impossible Photography One of the strengths of Photoshop is its capacity for creating surreal or impossible images by using compositing tools to combine elements of different photos into a single image. An image that can appear realistic regardless of its implausibility. The work of Erik Johansson is a great example of this. You watched the short Ted Talk where he shared some of his ideas about process. You understand that his work involves shooting individual photographic elements and combining them into mind-bending scenes. The following link takes you to the gallery on his web site.  Browse through his images and think about how individual components have been put together to create the scenes he has created. Impossible Photo Project For your next project, you will be creating an Impossible Photograph with YOU as the subject. Step 1:  Decide on a concept for your Impossible Photograph. Step 2:  Take (or have someone take) multiple photographs of yoursel

Compositing Project: Mammphibians

Photo Compositing The link above takes you to a gallery of work by photographer  Markus Varesvuo. Please explore his work and begin thinking about what 2 animals you could combine into a unique creature. When you have decided on your animals, find copyright-free images through Google Images that you can composite into your own creation. Download the images, (making sure they are of sufficiently high resolution and) cut them out using the Pen Tool, and composite them together. Remember that the goal is to try to make the composite look realistic. Don't forget to feather your selections!