
  6 Word Stories Sorry soldier, shoes only in  pairs . Gripping tighter, slowly lost it all. Mittens should have died that day. The plague starts with a hug. Dinner for two; widower and memories. They lived happily ever after.  Separately. Your challenge will be to write a 6-word story about what it is like being a teenager in the Spring of 2021. Here are a few examples: Stuck between reality and social media. Some pretty birds don’t sing well. Teens live life to please others. Only child, but never the favorite. Connected yet isolated, savvy but anxious. Dads are like boomerangs…I hope. Phase 1:  Write a six-word story about the experience of being a teenager in the Spring of 2021. It can be a general statement/observation: " Teens live life to please others"  or more specific and personal: " Only child, but never the favorite."


 Monotones/DuoTones Your last project "All White" was an example of a monochromatic photograph, where the subject itself was a single color.  Another kind of monochromatic photograph can be created out of any existing photo using the Duotone controls in Photoshop.

The Unseen

  The Unseen This Project is about finding those interesting,  unnoticed things that people obliviously walk by every day. Your challenge is to go out on the High School campus and take photos of things that people don't usually notice, or have never seen. Take the opportunity to explore parts of the campus you haven't seen before--discover something interesting and document it through photographs. This is a shooting project, so an index print (24 exposures) is required along with a final image.


  Tilt/Shift Effect       The above photos were manipulated in Photoshop to make traditional photographs appear as if they were actually photographs of scale models or toys. The effect of real life, photographically turning into miniatures, is known as the Tilt/Shift effect. The Tilt/Shift Effect is a novel photographic effect that can be created using a camera with front lens "movements".  That means a camera where the lens can be tilted and or shifted relative to the film plane (" image sensor" on a digital camera) of the camera...usually the lens is perfectly parallel to the film plane. Lens movements are particularly useful in architectural photography where they can be used to correct the inherent  parallax of traditional lenses. Ex. of parallax corrected with a tilt/shift lens. The Tilt/Shift effect can also be created in Photoshop and there are many, many tutorials online that walk you through the process. For today's exercise, you are
LIGHTHOUSE CHALLENGE This challenge is about altering the pixel-data from an existing photograph to create a completely new and different artistic image.   The image you will use as your source material is an image of a lighthouse--the 1st image above. Directly below that, is a much larger version of the image--this is the one you will download to your computer to alter. Start by Control/Clicking on the large lighthouse photo and saving it to your computer.  Open the photo in Photoshop and manipulate it any way you wish, to create an interesting, possibly abstract image. Crop, duplicate, use filters, mirror images, curves, levels, layer effects, slice, dice, etc...anything at your disposal to create an engaging re-interpretation of the original image.  Experiment and get creative--there are no rules or limits for what you produce. Below are some student examples...

Ron Man

RON MAN What happens when you remove just one letter from a movie title? RON MAN FINDING EMO PUP FICTION All of the above were created by removing just 1 letter from the movie title. For your next project you will be doing something similar.  You will be allowed to either add, subtract or substitute one letter in the movie title(s) of your choosing.  You will create   2  graphic  solutions. Your solutions may be designs, illustrations or composite images. Size: 11" x 14" Resolution: 300 ppi This might be a good place to start: See more @:

Shoes of Your Dreams

  The Shoes of Your Dreams