
Showing posts from May, 2020


Your final Photography project will be in 2 parts, due over the next 2 weeks. The 1st part will be research and response and the 2nd part will be the project itself. Please refer to the directions below for each of the parts. Part 1 A) Go to this link: ...and find a Photographer whose work you appreciate (click on their name to see more of their portfolio).  B) In a  short paragraph, describe their photography and identify 3 characteristics of their work that you feel sets them apart.  C) Along with your paragraph, post a couple of their photos as examples of the characteristics you are identifying.  Part 2 Using the photographer that you have chosen as a point of departure, create an image that reflects the characteristics you identified in Step B of Part 1. Accompany your image with a written description of how your image reflects those characteristics Because this is a shooting assignme

Project 4, 4th Quarter "Letter to Sarah Part 2"

Letter to Sarah Part 2 In Part 1 of this assignment you watched a segment from Ken Burns' "The Civil War". Burns' technique of panning and scanning historic photographs brought a certain life to the still photographic images of the time. His narration and choice of soundtrack added their own qualities, the sum of which was a compelling rendition of an event that is beyond the memory of any living American. In the video embedded below, historic photographs are used again as a motif for describing a a bygone era that, while burned into the history of this nation, is rarely remembered. Please watch the video below and read the article that is linked to below that.  When finished with both, respond to the each of questions in a short paragraph. 1) How do you feel the colorized version of these old photographs affects your sense of the time and place in which