
Showing posts from March, 2020

Project 1, 4th Quarter "Smiley"

SMILEY The above photo is from a series created by Amy Haehl, a professional photographer and owner of  Coffee Creek Studio . One aspect of her work is applying toothed smiles to photos of infants (she specializes in photos of infants and this was a fun diversion). For your 1st Project of the 4th Quarter, your challenge to take a series of smile photographs and apply (at least) one of them onto something... anything ...of your choice. Happy jalapenos, laughing loafers, who knows?  Just try to put a smile on our faces. 🙂 To receive full credit for this assignment, you should submit a final image and an index print of your smile photos. Be *punctilious with the photograph of whatever will be the recipient of the smile. This will act as your background layer and the quality of your composition will be compromised if this is a weak image. (Poor focus, poor lighting, distracting elements, not paying attention to the entire picture plane, etc.) To read an arti
Attention! Atención! Attenzione!   Due to the problems with Photoshop in the 531 Lab  on Wed. and Thurs., the "Love Concept" photo will not be included in this grading cycle.

Spring Breakdown
