
Showing posts from January, 2020
Remember that assignment where you had to match each side of your face with itself?  Here is a different concept using a similar technique:
Forced Perspective Your next assignment will be to create a digital image that  uses the technique of  Forced Perspective  to   create an illusion of scale, distance or some other optical trickery . You may use the image processing tools in Photoshop to enhance your image, but the "trick" must come from your own photograph--not from a Photoshop composite. Look at the examples below and do your own web search for forced perspective photography.  As you look at the various examples, try to determine how the photographer achieved the illusion and what was necessary to create the image. Start to think about what approach you would like to take with your own interpretation of a forced perspective photograph.

Daily Dozen

Daily Dozen For your next challenge, you are to take 12 photos every day for the next 6 days . Each day, your photos will follow a color theme... Day 1--RED Day 2--ORANGE Day 3--YELLOW Day 4--GREEN Day 5--BLUE Day 6--PURPLE Although you must address each day's theme, it is acceptable to shoot photos that reflect the connotations of a given color rather than the color itself. The link below takes you to a site that fully describes the connotations of each of the colors listed. As usual, you are also encouraged to do your own research. Step 1 : Go to the link and review what the connotations are for each of the colors. Step 2 : Every day, for 6 days, take 12 photographs that relate to the color of the day.  The photos must contain either the color itself or the *connotation of the color. Each photograph should have a different subject, i.e. don't take 12 photographs of the same thing. *When you post your photos to your Blog, make sure to identify the sp
The Fence The Fence is one of the largest traveling photography exhibitions in the world reaching 8 million visitors annually through open air experiences in 8 cities across N. America: Atlanta, Brooklyn, Boston, Calgary, Denver, Houston, Seattle and Sarasota.
Cubism cont. Your assignment is to think through and record the steps that Stephen McNally went through to create his image "The Tourist" (above). List the steps on your Blogs and answer the following questions... How many photographs do you think were used in the composition? Were all of the photos taken at the same time of day? Are there any obvious post-processing (Photoshop) enhancements? Any other considerations?
Cubism An elemental aspect of Cubism is to show multiple views of a subject (as if it were being seen in the 3rd dimension) in one 2-dimensional image. In Photography this is done by taking a number of different photographs of a single subject from different angles, heights, distances, etc. and combining those images into a unified whole by cropping, layering and overlapping layers. For your assignment, you are to create a Cubist composition using original photographs (shot specifically for this assignment). When selecting your subject, look for interesting compositions, isolated objects, contrasts in color, form or shade .   Take multiple shots of your subject , varying your distance, height ,   angle and   if possible the  lighting .   Size: 11"x17" Resolution: 300 ppi Start in Photoshop by creating an new 11 x 17 (or 17 x 11) white canvas and build your composite Cubist image on there. Belo