
Showing posts from 2019
1st Semester Reflection There are 2 parts to the reflection, don't miss Part II. I)  Write a paragraph in response to each of the following as they relate to you and your perception of your class experience:  Quality of Your Work Effort Participation Improvement Adjustment  Address the sub-topics in the bullet points below but  do not write a list –this should be more of a narrative, describing your thoughts about your work in this class so far. 1. Quality of work · your actual images (contrast, focus, composition) · quality of your subject matter · fulfilling the assignment · paying attention to the objective of the assignment (and taking it further) · proper format and resolution · completing your work on time  · going beyond your first idea(s) 2. Effort · actively taking photos · do you look for the most convenient subject/location/solution? · how much effort or planning did you put into yo
Gottfried Helnwein  image cont. Examine the following images and answer the questions below. Image 2 Image 3 How does this change in viewpoint change your interpretation of the image? Image #3 shows the actual work by Helnwein after being installed in Waterford, Ireland. The name of the photograph is "The Last Girl". From this viewpoint you can see the size and location of the work. The first image you saw (Image #1) was a photograph documenting the installation of this large-scale image.   With that in mind, describe Helnwein's image in as much detail as you can and in a separate post, record your answers on your Blog. Look at the image closely (Click on it to enlarge). What do you see? Describe it as if you were recounting it in detail to someone who had never seen it. Think about the scale--how could the size affect the meaning?  Think about the material, the logistics and engineering of mounting it.  Is it one contiguous image or is
Please respond to this work by Gottfried Helnwein.  Image 1 Describe the image as closely as you can.  Write your description on your Blog. What do you think is going on here?  Is this an artistic image or a documentary image (or both)? Is the image Photoshopped? Try to assign meaning to the image. What do you think the photographer's intent was? What does the image say to you? How does the difference in scale between the man and the girl's face add to your interpretation of the photograph?
MySDMC SSO Quickguide
Spacey Transfiguration The images above were created by Eric Guesz a digital artist/illustrator who transforms everyday objects into intergalactic spacecraft. For your next project, you are to bring in an object from home, photograph it under controlled lighting conditions (in the studio) and transform it through additions, subtractions, manipulations and compositing into a spacecraft a'la the illustrator Guesz. In your final image, the spacecraft should be located in an appropriate environment...deep space, a launching pad, above a planet, etc.
11 x 17 300 ppi Blue as a  color , blue as a  concept --your choice * . Links: Read'em
From time to time I will be posting interesting and useful Photoshop tips that will make your use of the program more effective, more fun, more efficient...just more . More Photoshop Magic ™ Working on the restoration of the DreamLodge Motel photo, you were called upon to use a variety of patching and cloning tools for removing scratches and other anomalies from the photo. Here is another technique for removing unwanted pixel data from your images. Watch This... Download This... (Control-Click ---> Save Image As...) Try It! (And be AMAZED )
                   Shpargotohp Dlo Gnirotser            The Link above takes you to a site that employs a Photoshop Action (remember recording your own actions?) to antique and distress a photograph that you upload to the site.   I don't know how many steps/filters/adjustments/etc. were used, but scaling, cropping and toning your photo plays a part, as does insetting it into an old, damaged border. They are all part of the Action which might be comprised of 100's of steps. It works pretty well and you can download the converted photo. Try It!
Restoring Old Photographs Whether you realize it or not, the original purpose for Photoshop was to retouch old photographs. Since many of you will be bringing in B&W family photos that have scratches, creases, missing bits, etc., it will be useful to know how to deal with those issues.  Below are links to a number of tutorials on retouching/restoring old photographs. As usual, these barely scratch the surface of the information that's available on the Web, so feel free to find your own resources. This is a good overview of the reasons for, and processes involved in restoring old photos: Repairing old photographs technique:
Triptychs Triptychs Triptychs Digital Photography - Creating Triptychs in Photoshop Your Assignment:   1 Triptych--that's 3 images  + an index print. Size: Open Resolution: 300 ppi

3 Doors

Choose a Door Door 1                              Door 2                             Door 3
The Power of Internet Images Below is an Instagram screenshot from the account of one  Jenny Wanderlust.   Like so many people, Jenny has shared a few far-from-random images in an effort to portray herself in a particular light. Based solely on the photographs she chose to post,what is the image that Jenny is trying to project?...Adventurous? Curious? Brave?  Pick 5 words. Do you think she was successful? Elaborate. Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good neighbor? A good friend?   Explain your answers.
Selective Editing Using Actions For this exercise you will be using and creating your own "Actions" to apply to a photograph you have already taken. Step 1) Open an image and drag guideline to create a minimum of 9 rectangles over your image. Step 2) Open the Actions window and selectively apply preset Actions to 3 of the 9 rectangles. Step 3) Record 3 of your own (multi-step) Actions and apply them to 3 rectangles. *(Refer to the link below for how to record your own actions.) Step 4) Find, download and apply 3 actions to the remaining 3 rectangles. * For downloading Actions, take a look at this site or do your own Google search for Photoshop Actions. To load an Action you downloaded into Photoshop, refer to this link:
Selective Editing Using Adjustments For this exercise you will be using Adjustments to apply to a photograph you have already taken. Step 1) Open an image and drag guideline to create a minimum of 9 rectangles  over your image. Step 2) Go to Image--> Adjustments and selectively apply a different adjustment to each of the 9 squares.
Selective Editing Using Filters For this exercise you will be using and creating your own "Actions" to apply to a photograph you have already taken. Step 1) Open an image and drag guideline to create a minimum of 9 rectangles  over your image. Step 2) Go to Filter-->Filter Gallery and selectively apply a different filter to each of the 9 squares.
Reflections of a Future Self For this project you will use a minimum of 3 *  photographs to present a  reflection of your future self .  This future self could be 5 days in the future, or 50 years in the future, but there must be a distinct difference between the "now" you and the "future" you.   The images below are examples of past student projects. * 1) Photo of you (current) looking at your reflection in the mirror.  2) Photo of you (future)  looking at your reflection in the mirror.  3) Photo of just the mirror and the space you were in. Tips:   A) Make sure the camera stays in the  exact same position  for all 3 photos. B) Clean the mirror. C) Pick up the bathroom.
Fears Project Feedback In order for everyone to receive some feedback on their Fears Project, you will each write a few comments on your classmate's Blogs. Go to the class Blog, click on the Link to Student Blogs link and choose 3 classmate's Blogs to look at and comment on.  Open the Fears project on their Blogs and make your comments in the comments window below the image. You are to address  at least  the following: 1) State what fear you think that the photo is conveying. 2) Assess whether you feel the photo is successful in conveying the fear (and specific.) 3) Make 1 positive comment. 4) Make 1 constructive comment about the photo (one suggestion for a change or improvement)